Sufi Movement in India: A Detailed Summary


Sufi Movement in India: A Detailed Summary

The term Sufi derived from Arabic word Safa which has two distinct meaning – One who wear woollen clothes; and Symbolises purity and sacredness. The Sufi Mysticism is associated with the liberal interpretation of Quran called Tarikat. Shariat is the conservative interpretation of Quran. It is believes that Haq (God) and Khalaq (Soul) are the same.


The term Sufi derived from Arabic word Safa which has two distinct meaning – One who wear woollen clothes; and Symbolises purity and sacredness. The Sufi Mysticism is associated with the liberal interpretation of Quran called TarikatShariat is the conservative interpretation of Quran. It is believes that Haq (God) and Khalaq (Soul) are the same.


The doctrine of Sufism was based on union with God which can be achieved through love of God, prayers, fasts and rituals without reference to Hindu or Muslims. It stressed that cultivation of religious experience should be based on the direct perception of God.

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Summary on Sufi Movement in India

• Synthesises variety of ideas and practices from Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism.
 It aimed at service of mankind through spiritual self development
• Eager for Hindu-Muslim unity and cultural synthesis
• Opposed to orthodoxy preached faith and devotion to the God.
• Opposes the materialistic life but not in favour of complete renunciation.
• Organised in different orders (Silsilas)
• The Sufi orders were divided into two: Ba-shara those who followed the Islamic law; and Be-shara those who were not bound by Islamic law.

List of Sufi order, founder and principle:

ChistiKhwaja Moinuddin ChistiKeep aloof from royal court. Popularised music recitations called Sama (Mehboob-i-ilahi)
SuhrawardiSheikh Shihabuddin SuhrawardiAccepted royal Service
QadriSheikh Nizamat UllahRelies strongly upon adherence to the fundamentals of Islam.
NaqshbandiKhwaja Pir MohammadOrthodox Sect. Mujaddid opposed Shia, philosophy of Wahadat-ul-Shahdud , wrote ‘Red-i-Khafid’ arrested by Jhangir
FirdausiSheikh Sarfudin YahyaBranch of Suhrawardi
Rashaniya (Akbar’s reign)Miyan Bayazid Ansari (Pir Roshan)Wrote the bookKhai-ul-Byan
MahadawiMullah Mohammad MahdiOpposed orthodox muslims
RisiNuruddin Noorani (Wali)Oposed orthodox muslims
QalandariaAbu Wali QalanderWandering monks were called Darveshes
ShattariAbdullah ShattariClaimed direct contact with God

Term relate to the Sufism

Sufi WordMeaning
Sheikh/Pir/MurshidSpiritual leader
KhanqahThe Hospice (especially one kept by a monastic order)
SamaMusical Recital
FanaSelf Annihilation

Sufism is the mystical movement against orthodox practice in Islam with an aim to adhere the direct perception of mankind to God without any mediator.

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